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Manuscripts Submission:
  1. The articles must be original and should be submitted as an attachment to the editorial manuscript mail:
  2. Author's can also submit their article through the online submission form: Click Here
  3. The font (Typing): for English (Times New Roman).
  4. All matter should be in font size of 12.
  5. Download copyright form: Click Here

Format of Articles:
  1. Heading and subheading should be numbered. e.g. 1. Introduction, 2. Material and Method, 3. Conclusion, likewise.
  2. Author's full name, affiliation, mobile number and e-mail should be provided.
  3. The Abstract should not be more than 400 words.
  4. About 3 to 6 keywords should be provided.
  5. The Introduction should provide a clear statement of the literature on the subject.
  6. Methodology.
  7. Results and Discussion. Results should be presented with clarity and precision. The discussion should interpret the findings.
  8. Conclusion.
  9. Recommendations (If any).
  10. Acknowledgement (If any).
  11. References.

References: The reference number should follow the following format.

For Journals Format: Author(s) of article (surname initials). Title of the manuscript, Journal title abbreviated. Year of publication; volume number (issue number): page numbers.
Panda BB, Gaur K, Kori ML, Tyagi LK, Nema RK, Sharma CS Anti-Inflammatory and analgesic activity of Jatropha gossypifolia in experimental animal models. Global Journal of Pharmacology. 2009; 3(1):1-5.

For Books and Other Monograph Format: Author AB, Author BB, Author CC. Title of Book. Ed, Vol, Publisher, City, year, page numbers.
Nadkarni KM. Indian Materia Medica. Edn 3, Vol. I, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 2000, 242-246.

For Patent Reference: H. Aviv, D. Friedman, A. Bar-Ilan and M. Vered. Submicron emulsions as ocular drug delivery vehicles, U.S. Patent US 5496811; 1996.

For Website Reference: Quick dissolving tablets. 27 May, 2001.

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